My second main job was maintaining the ecosystem simulation. This mostly boiled down to tweaking temperature and plant nutrient/animal prey variables for the flora and fauna in the game.
In addition, due to the small team size, I worked on the design of most gameplay systems that were added which included farming, fishing, vehicles, garbage, etc.
Separately, I maintained and expanded a tool used to generate the game's items and recipes in the form of .cs files from a XLS spreadsheet.
And I got to fix a lot of bugs. I added some testing and debugging information for various things from room detection to determining cyclical dependencies in the tech tree.
I worked closely with the team's artists to ensure that the character's kit design and various abilities did not conflict with the artistic direction while maintaining strong synergy and cohesiveness to promote exciting gameplay.
In addition to creating these systems, I worked with our AI programmer to ensure that the behaviour trees and other AI functionality could easily utilize the abilities and movement without any extra difficulty.
I also worked heavily inside Unreal Engine 4's material editor creating shaders to achieve specific effects such as normal edge detection and wireframe masks.
The project has a management for text, characters, basic sprite switching and animation,
and separate scenes. All of the functions can be used by simply editing text. Each type of action
is contained inside a node queue that runs through the cutscene with possible player interaction.
Having never grappled with a task quite like this, I chose to have the team compile their
AIs into DLLs using a common class to compartmentalize them.
These DLLs allowed for the AIs to be modified independently which allowed the team
to keep working on their AI without worrying about any updates I pushed.
The project below is the original first draft of the rules book as of 12/2014. While the rules have changed slignificantly since then, I haven't yet
written them up into a presentable state.
I'm currently looking into ensuring that my website is properly viewable in non-webkit enabled browsers and, possibly, working on a separate mobile site. I’m also working on adding extra visual cues to assist in navigation while retaining the visual style.